Transformers is officially my new favorite movie. It is the most fun I have had at the movies in a long time, and to make it even better I got to see it digitally today which was my first digital movie experience. It was awesome! The scope of the movie is huge, and I love getting caught up in a story that is so much bigger than me. I have always been drawn to epic films and storytelling. I think there is part of all of us that yearns for that in our lives. At Bigstuf, Reggie Joiner taught a training session for youth workers and talked about the fact that many people aren't interested in Christ or the church because through our lives we fail to tell a compelling story that someone would want to join. Because of Jesus and His mission in the world, our story should be epic in nature because we are joining His story. When we do that, nothing the world has to offer can compare and people will be drawn to what Christ is doing. Everyone in the theater today wanted to be a part of the world of Optimus Prime. Wouldn't it be cool if people saw our lives and thought the same thing?