I just finished reading In A Pit With A Lion On A Snowy Day by Mark Batterson. It is a great book and very challenging for anyone who feels like God is calling them to do something that seems too big, too scary, or full of risk. The overall message is that God is glorified in us when we attempt things in our life that only He can get the credit for. Too often we settle in life and don't pursue our God-given dreams and passions, and miss out on all that God wants to do through us for His kingdom. I have been challenged to have greater faith and trust in our amazing God. The book also has some good insight on worship. Here is an exerpt that spoke to me.
Worship is zooming out and refocusing on the big picture. It's refocusing on the fact that two thousand years ago, Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sin. It's refocusing on the fact that God unconditionally loves me when I least expect it and least deserve it. It's refocusing on the fact that I have eternity with God to look forward to in a place where there is no mourning or sorrow or pain.
Worship is about forgetting what's wrong with you and remembering what's right with God. It is like hitting the refresh key on our computer. It restores the joy of your salvation. It recalibrates your spirit. It renews your mind. And it enables you to find something to praise God about even when everything seems to be going wrong.
Is it easy? Absolutely not. Nothing is more difficult than praising God when nothing sems to be going right. But one of the purest forms of worship is praising God even when you don't feel like it, because it proves that your worship isn't circumstantial.
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