I stayed up way too late last night watching election results, and I have been walking around today with what my roommates from my pre-married days would call "X-box face." That was always a result of playing way too many games of Halo at night, which is obvious as you walk around like a zombie the next day.
I have always been interested in politics, although lately I have been less involved. Voting is something I get really excited about. It is such a privilege and is so rewarding to know that we have a say in the direction of our country. That being said, I am very glad that our future is not ultimately dependent on who is in power in Washington. Christ is the only one that can change lives and hearts, not legislation. While I am a huge advocate of being involved in the political process, I am also passionate about the fact that the church carries the most important message of hope and change the world needs to hear. As people's hearts are changed by Christ, only then we will see true change in our country ... which I believe is the greatest country on earth!
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